County by County Compilation of Poythress Records in Virginia

Compilations by John Maynard Poythress

Note: The time spans of the compiled Poythress-related records vary by county. Virtually all of the early records are in counties later divided or modified. The oldest records date to the early 1630s. In most cases the compilations are through the late 1800s. Some compilations may include records into the early 1900s. These compilations are research finding aids contributed by John Maynard Poythress (1934-2012). Researchers should seek out the original source materials for full original sources citations.

A chronological interactive map of Virginia county formation and boundaries (1632 – 1996) is available by visiting the Newberry Library’s Atlas of Historical County Boundaries. The Newberry Library’s site also provides a very useful Index of Counties and Equivalents with detailed histories of the formation and division of all Virginia counties from 1632 forward.