Source Citation: Wills, Inventories, Sales and Settlements of Estates, 1741-1887; Author: North Carolina. County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions (Carteret County); Probate Place: Carteret, North Carolina
Transcription and Inventory
State of No Carolina Town of Beaufort In the name of God Amen I John Poythress being weak in body but of sound mind do this day make & ordain this my last Will & Testament in manner & form following viz. Imprs. My spirit I commit to the Superintend =ance of him from whom I received life. My Body I recommend to be decently in =terred at the discretion of my Executrix here in after named. My effects, & debts, active & passive I give to my beloved wife Polly Poythress, to her, her heirs & assigns for ever. Lastly I nominate & appoint by be loved wife Polly my sole Executrix Ratifying & confirming this my only true Will & Testament & disannulling all former wills by me made. Sign’d Seal’d publish’d & ) Octr. 23rd 1813 pronounced in presence of ) Wm. Bell John Poythress (Seal) Jno. Hyson |

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