Louisville Public Advertiser, Wednesday, August 18, 1824; Issue 612.
1000 acres, Walnut Bottom, Henderson county: in the name
of Wm. Poythress.
To prevent such unreasonable sacrifices as occurred in some
instance at the last sale, in consequence of the purchasers
not being acquainted with the land sold, the privilege is re-
served, of bidding one dollar per acre for all that is ten miles
from Owenborough; but this privilege will not be exercised, if
one third of the value of the land is bid, as the object of the
sale is to close the concern.
For information concerning all the land in Davies, apply to
Mr. Philip Triplett, and, in his absence, to Mr. Geo. Hand-
ley, both of Owenborough, who will also show plats of the land.
A fair description of every tract of land sold, will be furnish-
ed on the day of sale; and ant purchaser who may find the land
purchased inferior to the description, shall, if his wish be made
known within one week from the day of sale, have the privy-
lege of relinquishing his purchase.
This sale will be conducted by the subscriber, attorney in fact,
for the owners.
august 18 612-6ds