Court Orders 1714 – 1720

Transcription Note:

(Revision 6 Apr 2001, J.M. Poythress)

This unindexed reel was scanned Mar, ’01.  Entries are stated by Court Order Book page number omitting dates as the date most often prefaces the text of that particular court meeting. Entries in parenthesis are abstracted; entries not in parentheses are transcriptions. Typically, when a Poythress appears pertinent to a proceeding itself the entry is transcribed; a proceeding with a Poythress as an indirect participant I have most often elected to abstract the entry.  Generally, “court orders” will be brief and to the point, containing few if any details of the court considerations leading to the order.  Most are transcribed because there is so little it is easier to transcribe than to abstract.

Details of cases are typically missing.  Court orders were not intended to detail the proceedings of a case, only its conclusion.

Given the need to “de-emphasize” dates in this group of records, I have simply listed the entries by Court Order page numbers and shown the date(s) of the particular court that issued the order.  Often the dates will appear out of order.



P. 4

(Biggins vs. Short, 6 Jan 1714; Robert Poythres and Edward Epes on jury).


P. 19

(14 Jun 1715; John Poythres among others listed present as  a “gentleman justice” for the court. Typically, these gentlemen justices are listed as “present” at the recording of each monthly opening of the court.)


P. 25

(12 July 1715; John Poythres among others present as gentl justice).


P. 26

12 Jul 1715; On the motion of Thomas Harrison it is ordered that his bond for the care and payment of the estates of two of the orphans of Robert Drayton dced be delivered out of the clerk’s office, the estates being committed to care of Francis and Peter Poythres, guardians to the said orphans.


P. 27

12 Jul 1715; Francis Poythres acknowledges a deed for land (executed and sealed) bearing date 12 Jun 1715 to Peter Grammar and his heirs on whose motion the same is committed to record.


P. 28

(6 July 1715; John Poythres among others present as gentl justice).


P. 28

(9 Aug 1715; John Poythres among others present as gent justice).


P. 32

(13 Sep 1715; John Poythres among others present as gentl justice).


P. 47

10     Jan 1716; Francis Mallory and Francis Poythres, excrs. of Joseph

Poythres dced made complaint that Thomas Hunsby (?) stands indebted to them the sum of 1060 lbs. of tobacco due for rent; vis: and set forth that the said Thomas has unlawfully departed this County so that the ordinary proofs at Law cannot be served against him whereupon they by virtue of an attachment into the hands of his Majesty’s Justice of this County returnable to this Court have caused part of the Estate of this Thomas to be attached for payment thereof; viz. a ________ of tobacco and the said Thomas being called and failing to appear to replace the land.  On the plaintiff’s motion Judgement is granted them against the defendant for the aforesaid sum and costs to be levied and paid for out of the said tobacco.  Order that the same be duely appraised by John Bonner, William Hudson, etc…


P. 51

13 Mar 1716; Pursuant to the Act for appointing Sherrifs John Poythres, Samson Meredith and Richard Hamlin, Gentlemen Justices viz: are recommended to the Honourable then Governor as full viz: to execute the office of Sherrif this ensuing year.


P. 53

(2 Apr 1716; John Poythres among others present as gentl justice).


P. 55

2 Apr 1716; The suit depending (sic) between Francis Mallory and Francis Poythres, excr Joshua Patterson dced and Thomas Hunsby, neither party appearing, is dismist.


P. 57 Apr 1716; Francis Mallory and Francis Poythres exrs Joshua Patterson dced vs. Thomas Hunsby; pursuant to an order of the last Court exhibited and out, related to the provings on the case while being examined and it is ordered to be filed and the said plaintiffs as aforesaid to have till this Feb therein mentioned.


P. 59

(12 Jun 1716; John Poythres among others present as gentl. justice).


P. 59

11     Jun 1716; The action depending between Edward Burball and Robert

Poythres, neither party appearing is dismist.


P. 69

12     Jun 1716; Gilbert Hay, John Willkins, Peter Poythres and James Jones

junr or any three of them are ordered to appraise Jack and Diana Day now under the care of William Formlington they being first sworn by some Justice for that purpose and that they make report of same to be next Court.


P. 117

(9 Apr 1717; Robert Poythres shown as appraiser of estate of Hubbard Green).


P. 121

(14 May 1717; Court held at Merchant’s Hope for County of Prince George;

present: John Poythress a gentl justice)


P. 124

13     May 1717; Stith Bolling in open Court acknowledged his deed (indented

and sealed) with liberty of seizure sworn thereon to Robert Poythres on whose motion the same by the Court is ordered to be recorded.


P. 124

14     May 1717; Stith Bolling in open Court acknowledged his Bond for

performance of covenants to Robert Poythres on whose motion the same is ordered to be recorded.


P. 132

Jun 1717; The suit in Chancery brought by Charles Anderson against John Poythres and Henry Offley neither party appearing is dismist.


P. 132

Jun 1717; Charles Anderson having filed a Bill in Chancery against John Poythres, excr of Joshua Poythres decd and Henry Offley late of London, Merchant, it is ordered a summons against the said John Poythres and Henry Offley to appear at the next court and answer the said charges.


P. 232

Under date of 9 Jul 1717, identical to the text above re Charles Anderson.


  1. 232

Under date of 9 Jul 1717, identical to the text above re Charles Anderson.

(It is speculated that the court took action in July identical to that taken in June and the clerk; seeing no point in recomposing the things, simply duplicated them).


P. 237

9 July 1717 (John Poythres a Jury Foreman)


P. 239

13 Aug 1717; The suit in Chancery brought by Charles Anderson against Henry Offley, late of London, Merchant and John Poythres surviving excr of the Last Will and Testatment of Joshua Poythres dced. Thomas Simmons, SubSherriff Oath to the service of the Writ and charged Poythres and he failing to appear an attachment is granted the complaintant against the Body of the said Poythres returnable to the next Court and it is ordered that said summons is also against the said Offley returnable to the next Court.


P. 234

13 Aug 1717; In the action on the case depending (sic) between John Pool and John Poythres, Francis Mallory and George Hamilton are chosen by the said partys and appointed by the Court to meet and settle the difference between the said plaintiff and defendant and make report of their proceedings therein to the next Court.


P. 250

14 Apr 1719; Joshua Poythres, Robert Poythres, John Fitzgerald and Edward Mitchell or any three of them being first sworn for that purpose by some Magistrate of this County are nominated and appointed to appraise the estate of Thomas Harwell dced and make report of their proceedings therein to the next Court when Henry Batte, the Admin. Thereof is ordered to return the inventory.


P. 254

12 May 1719; Robert Poythres and Edward Mitchell who were appointed to lay and value one acre of Land lying on the Balys River and belonging to the Land of Joseph Holycross dced for John Peterson’s convenience to build a water Mill and make report of their proceedings which is ordered to be recorded and is accordingly truly recorded as follows; viz:  [copy blotted] Prince George County.


P. 255

12 May 1715; The order that Elizabeth Duke Adm. of Henry Duke dced return an inventory of the said dced Estate is continued till the next Court.


P. 263

9 Jun 1719; John Poythres, John Hatch, William Harrison and Gilbert Hay or any three of them being first sworn for that purpose by some Magistrate of this County are ordered to appraise the Estate of Randle Pratt dced and make report of their proceedings to the next Court when Henry Holder as the Executor is to return the Inventory thereof.


P. 267

15     Jul 1719 (John Poythres among others present is a “gentl. Justice”)


P. 275

14 Jul 1719; In the action brought by Thomas Goodwynn against John Poythres for 34 pounds 6 shillings 3 pence due by account the def. being arrested and not appearing nor any Security returned for him on the motion of the plaintiff’s attorney judgement is granted him against the said defendt. and James Thweatt Sherr. for the said sum and costs unless the said defendt. shall appear at the next Court and answer the said action.


P. 278

11 Aug 1719; The petition of Francis Poythres, Excr against Eliza. Mallory Excr of Fra. Mallory dced is referred till the next court.

P. 285

13 Oct 1719; Amy, a Negro girl belonging to Peter Poythres is Judged to be eleven years old.


P. 285

11 Oct 1719; Tom, a Negro boy belonging to Peter Poythres is Judged nine years old.


P. 285

11 Oct 1719; Jenny a Negro girl belong to Francis Poythres is Judged nine years old.


P. 287

13 Oct 1719; The action on the case bro. by Thomas Goodwynn against John Poythres, the plaintiff failing to prosecute is dismist.


P. 289

13 Oct 1719; Francis Poythres surviving executor of Last Will & Testament Jos. Patterson against Elizabeth Mallory, John Hamlin and Edward Goodrich excrs of the Last Will & Testament of Francis Mallory dced: for 2061 lbs. of Tobacco and 16 shillings due by accts to the Estate of the plaintiff Joseph Patterson dced.  The defdts. Move the Plaintiff prove the said acct whereupon he makes Oath the same is due and on his motion its ordered that the Defendts pay to the said plf. out of the said Mallory’s Estate 17 pounds 3 shillings 6 pence, value of the said Tobacco and the said sum of 17 shillings amounting in the whole to 18 pounds 6 pence with costs Als: Eceo.


  1. 291

13 Oct 1719; Prince a Negro boy belonging to Joshua Poythres is judged five years old.


  1. 297

11 Nov 1719; (John Poythres, Samson Meredith and John Hardyman, among others, present as gentl. Justices).  [note: from here and sporadically forward John Poythres appears to “co-sign William Hamlin’s order to close the court.]


  1. 298

11 Mar 1719

(John Poythres present as gentl. Justice).


  1. 303

12 Jan 1719

(John Poythres present as gentl. Justice).


  1. 306

8 Mar 1719; Pursuant to the direction of the Act for Appointing Sherriffs John Poythres, Robert Mumford and John Hardyman, gentl. Justices are recommended to the Honourable Leiut. Governor as fitt and able to execute the office as Sherriff of this County for the next ensuing year.


  1. 313

8 Mar 1719; John Poythres, John Hardyman and Louis Green gentl. are recommended to the honourable the Leiut. Govnr as fitt and able to Execute the office of Corroners of this County.


  1. 314

12 Apr 1720

Last Will & Testament of Richard Bland dced was presented into court by William Randolph and Richard Randolph, excrs…..etc.


  1. 316

10 May 1720;  (Assignments to take the lists of tithables): John Poythres gentl in Waynoke Parrish, Samson Meredith gentl. in Martins Brandon



  1. 322

14 Jun 1720; (John Poythres, among others, present as gentl. justice).


  1. 323

14 Jun 1720; (John Hardyman, John Poythres and Edward Goodrich make Oaths as Sherriffs).


  1. 329

14 Jun 1720; On the motion of Robert Poythres he is Exempt from paying Levy for his Negro woman Sue.


  1. 330

14 Jun 1720; John Poythres Robert Poythres and John Woodleif, having taken the Official Oaths of Allegience and signed the Teste are sworn vestrymen of Westover Parrish.


  1. 331

9 Aug 1720; (John Poythres present as gentl. justice).


  1. 331

9 Aug 1720; Cato, a Negro boy belonging to David Poythres is Adjudged twelve years old.


  1. 333

13 Sep 1720; (John Poythres present as gentl. justice).


  1. 334

13 Sep 1720; Jenny, a Negro girl belonging to John Poythres is Adjudged eleven years old.


  1. 338

31 Oct 1720; (John Poythres present as gentl. justice).


  1. 339

13 Dec 1720; Francis Poythres in Open Court acknowledges his deed for Land (indented and sealed) with Livery of Seizure Endorsed thereon to John Poythres on whose motion the same is ordered to be recorded.


  1. 341

10 Jan 1720; (John Poythres present as gentl. justice).


  1. 342

10 Jan 1720; John Woodleife, John Poythres [among others] “being chose Vestrymen for the Parrish of Martins Brandon they accordingly appear in Court and take the Oath appointed by Law, sign the Teste, and are sworn Vestrymen of the Parrish aforesaid.”


  1. 343

10 Jan 1720; (John Poythres, Edmund Irby, Gilbert Way and William Harrison chosen, sworn, etc. to appraise the Estate of Edward Goodrich;

Margaret Goodrich the Executrix is to return the Inventory).


  1. 343

11 Jan 1720; (John Poythres present as gentl. justice).


  1. 347

11 Jan 1720 (John Poythres present as gentl. justice).


  1. 347

11 Jan 1720: For Wolves killed, [i. e. bounty] viz:

Name                                                  # killed            lbs. Tobacco awarded

Robert Poythres                                1                      100

Joshua Poythres                               4                      400

John Poythres                                  1                      100

John Gilliam Junr                             1                      100

John Gilliam Senr                             2                      200

Richard Pace                                   1                      100

(among others)


  1. 349

14 Feb 1720; Adam Ivie returns into Court Estate of Elizabeth Ivie ordered to be recorded. Present: John Hamlin, John Poythres, Robert Bolling.


  1. 359

14 Feb 1720: Drury Stith Junr having a commission to be one of the Surveyors of Brunswick County, he accordingly appears in Court, takes the Offical Oath, signs the Teste and is sworn a Surveyor of the County aforesaid.


  1. 364

14 Mar 1720; The Last Will & Testament of Sampson Meredith dced was presented into Court by Elizabeth Meredith his Executrix who made an oath thereto and it being proven by the Oaths of Thomas Rogers and Robert Rogers Witness thereto is admitted to record and on the motion of the said Elizabeth Meredith certificate is granted her for obtaining of the said Will in due form.