Francis Poythress (1609-c.1650) Descendancy Trial Chart: First Generations

Compiled by Mike Tutor, 2019-2022

Version 1.0
Copyright © 2022 Poythress Surname History – All Rights Reserved

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About This Chart

This first generations chart of the Poythress family descending from Francis and Mary Poythress was built upon R. Bolling Batte’s chart of the Poythress family and was influenced greatly by the charts built by Diana Diamond and Lyn Baird. As for later generations, a lot of information was gleaned from public records, studies, narratives and documents provided by many contributors to the Poythress discussion list and shared on the Poythress surname research website. I would like to thank each of you.

Due to factors beyond our control; i.e Benedict Arnold’s destruction of records, the Union army’s destruction of records in the War Between the States, fires, irresponsible courthouse clerks, etc., many records have been destroyed. Due to the herculean efforts of everyone on the website, many, many records have been documented. To date, the existent records have not provided all of the information necessary to build a complete picture of the family. However, the sleuthing skills of this family has provided many insights.

Assembling this working chart required using all of the records available and utilizing some “outside the box” analysis. This meant using naming practices, the location and proximity of family members, socio-economic conditions, common practices, outside family associations, land ownership, inheritance, ages of individuals, identifying where in the family the individual fit as compared to having identified all of the children for the other generation members – and education. To sum things up, analyzing the “best available” evidence. Irrefutable documentation is not available in every case. However, ongoing research and transcriptions may reveal more evidence and insights.

Taken in the spirit in which it was created, all input, corrections and comments are solicited in the effort to solidify the entries or to correct the entries on this chart. Researchers should use this document as a finding aid, not as authority.

If “best available” evidence is not yet compelling the entry is identified with a crosshatch pattern over the cell.

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