Biographic Compilation by Mike Tutor, circa 2019

Cleaton Poythress (1785 – 1827), son of Meredith Poythress, Sr., and Edith Clayton, 6th generation.

Cleaton Poythress died at the age of 42. He never married but left a will naming his father, Meredith, Sr., his brother, Meredith, Jr., his sister, Elizabeth Brannon, and his two year old niece, Sarah Elizabeth, the daughter of Meredith, Jr.

May 2, 1822. Sheriff’s sale…courthouse in Jacksonborough, Screven County…106 acres of land levied on as the property of Meredith Poythress, Senior to satisfy sundry executions issued out of justice’s court in favor of H. M. Willliamson versus Cleton Poythress and Meredith Poythress, Senior, said land adjoins land of Henry Joyce and others. Levied and returned by constable James Poythress. Signed James Brown, SSC (Augusta Chronicle, 5/2/1822, p. 3, column 4)

August 5, 1822. Sheriff’s sale…courthouse in Jacksonborough, Screven County…50 acres of land in said county adjoining lands of Richard Williamson and Zachias Long taken as the property of Meredith Poythress, Senior to satisfy two small executions in favor of R. M. Williamson, Sr. versus Meredith Poythress and Cleton Poythress, levied and returned by a constable. (Augusta Chronicle, August 5, 1822, p. 3, column 6)

Will of Cleaton Poythress

Will of Cleton Poythress – Screven Co., Ga., 18 May 1828. In the name of God, Amen. I, Cleton Poythress of the County of Scriven & State of Georgia (Planter) being weak in body & health but of perfect mind & memory thanks be given to God, and calling to mind the morality (sic) of my body & knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this, my last will & Testament that is to say principally & first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hand of Almighty God that gave it and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in decent christian burial, at the discretion of my Executor, nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God. And as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life, I give demise and dispose of the same in the following manner & form, viz. First I give and bequeath to my father Meredith Poythress one Cow and calf. Also I will & bequeath to my sister Elizabeth Brannen my two negroes viz. Hilly and her child Lucy on her paying to my brother Meredith Poythress and my Niece Sarah Elizabeth Poythress one hundred dollars each. Also, I will and bequeath that my Executor will have so much of my cattle & hogs & horses sold as will pay all my just and lawful debts & the balance of all my stock to equally divided between my sister Elizabeth Brannen & my brother Meredith Poythress & my Niece Sarah Elizabeth Poythress. And I the aforesaid Cleton Poythress do constitue(sic), make & ordain Hope Brannen of the County & State aforesaid my sole Executor of this my last & only Will & Testament & I do hereby utterly disannul, revoke & disavow any other former legacies, bequest, will, or Testament confirming and ratifying this & no other to be my last will & Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal this the eighteenth day of May one thousand eight hundred & twenty eight. Signed, Sealed, published; pronounced by the man Cleton Poythress as his last testament in the presence of us, who in his presence & in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names.

_    } Cleto n Poythress {LS}

Cullen Williamson}

William Brannen, Jane Brannen}

Georgia} Personally appeared in open court Cullen Williamson Screvin County} who being duly sworn deposeth & saith that he saw the within named Cleton Poythress sign, seal, publish & pronounce the foregoing instrument of writing as his last will and testament, and deponent further saith that he saw William Brannen & Jane Brannen together with himself subscribe their names as witnesses to the same.

Sworn to & subscribed in open Cullen Williamson Court this 7th day of July 1828} Jell. Wade I. I. C. } Recorded this 9th day of July 1828.

Jacob Bryan I. I. C. } Seaborn Goodall C.C.O.I.C. Alexander Kemp I. I. C. }

1828-May 18-Will of Cleton Poythress. Father Meredith Poythress. Sister Elizabeth Brannen. Niece Sarah Elizabeth Poythress. Exr.: Hope Brannen. Wit.: Cullen Williamson, William Brannen, Jane Brannen.