[POYTHRESS] Unique Poythress 1937 “Junior Birdmen of America” Newspaper Artifact Found As Insulation in a farmhouse floor in New York

01/29/2020 11:05:50

Poythress List,

Do I have your attention with that subject line;)? I received a note yesterday from a man who wanted share this discovery with us. It was very thoughtful of him to take the photo of the artifact when he saw it and then look up our website and get in touch with me.

A photo of the artifact and a second one of the insignia drawn by a Bill Poythress follows. The obviously question is what any of you may know about the Poythress man.

https://poythress.org/2020/01/29/poythress-junior-birdmen-of-america-insignia-may-1937/ https://poythress.org/2020/01/29/poythress-junior-birdmen-of-america-insignia-may-1937/

I did a quick search to find out about the Junior Birdmen of America — this link is informative:


I’m posting this to both lists (sorry to those of you still monitoring both). I do urge folks to use the full digest version of the new groups.io/g/poythress list until we’ve completed the transition and the Rootsweb list shuts down on March 2nd. We have roughly 1/2 of the Rootsweb list members who’ve joined the new list already — thank you!

I hope you find this little artifact as charming as I found it to be.
